Dealing With Arthritis? Here’s What To Do. - Physio for Surgery

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Dealing With Arthritis? Here’s What To Do.

Knee Pain

Are you someone who has been diagnosed with arthritis in your knee or hip and want to avoid surgery? Have you had knee or hip pain and worried that arthritis is the cause? Wake up feeling stiff and achy? Unable to walk and worried about your independence?

Then this article is for you!

For those who don’t know me yet, my name is Nick Halkidis, the owner of the Number One Physiotherapy Clinic in Markham (as voted by you) - Physio For Surgery. I write articles on different areas of the body and how to help you stop being in pain and return back to the things you love!

Arthritis is the wearing down of a thin layer of cartilage that covers the ends of your bones. It helps the knee or hip joint swivel smoothly when you bend, straighten, or rotate your joints.

When this cartilage starts to wear down, you naturally lose some range of motion and it creates pain, swelling, stiffness, and inflammation. These are the most common symptoms patients complain about when coming in for treatment.

You may have done some reading, seen your doctor, and have heard that arthritis is irreversible and will eventually lead to a knee or hip replacement. While some of this is true, yes we cannot reverse arthritis, we can treat the symptoms, and delay surgery by years and oftentimes avoid it all together. Of course, this is subjective to each person's case.

For those of you that have had an x-ray done, if your x-ray says that you have mild, or moderate arthritis, you are extremely treatable and can get rid of your pain completely. If your x-ray says you have severe arthritis, we can help delay your surgery, but it's likely you will need a knee or hip replacement at some point.

This article is geared towards those people who have had mild - moderate arthritis. If you have been diagnosed with this stage of arthritis, we treat patients with this daily and can help you!

The main thing that happens with this stage of arthritis is arthritic flare ups. In this stage, if you overuse the joint, do something you haven't done for a while, or try something new, it can cause different types of pressures on the joint and can lead to it becoming achy, sore, and inflamed. Most patients complain of difficulty standing, intense pain, and a knee or hip that feels extremely stiff.

What we can do to help you get out of pain:

Use our trained hands to loosen up all the tight muscles and knots around your knee or hip to take stress off the joint. Next we will stretch the joint out that will produce a “good hurt” as all my patients tell me time again, to make you more limber and give your joint space to move normally again. After that we will use some of our world class technology like the GameReady, which will wrap a specialized sleeve around your hip or knee and it will inject warm water around your joints to give it a squeeze (almost like your knee is getting a big warm hug). If you have a big flare up with a lot of inflammation we do not want to use heat so we will use the cold setting which will produce a nice comfortable pressure around your knee that's 3 degrees celsius and eradicate not just the swelling but the pain as well.

All of my patients tell me that they come back for this machine! Just read our reviews!

Once treatment is complete we will build a plan with you to determine how long it will take to get better, how many sessions you will need, and the exact steps we will take to get you feeling better.
We will send you your exercises via email with videos, words, and pictures (however you like it) so you can easily do the straight forward, yet effective exercises that will help maintain the health of your knee or hip.

If you like the sounds of that then click this link Free Discovery Visit where you can come in and meet with a Physio, try our equipment and see if we are the right fit for each other. You sign up now Free Discovery Visit and discover how we can help you.

Dedicated to restoring your health.

Nick & the Physio For Surgery Team.

Nick Halkidis

Nick Halkidis

Nick has extensive experience treating high-performance athletes with pioneering treatment techniques and state-of-the-art equipment through his work with Baseball Canada and other sporting teams. But after six years working in Sports Medicine, Nick decided to move into private patient care to bring those same techniques and high-tech rehabilitation equipment to the weekend warriors, amateur athletes, and self-confessed couch potatoes in the GTA – because that’s where he can make the most significant difference.
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